As we have decided in the school LS team that we want to practice the LS with the weakess class that each member has, the 2nd round is done by En. Mohd Asyraf bin Rosaruddin. He chose the perfect class, Form 3 C. The LS was carried out on 9th August 2011 at 9:00 - 9:40 am, and the reflection meeting was done after that.
The observation team for this LS practice for this time are also included Mr. Principal, En. Azemi bin Abu and Vice Principal, En. Zahri bin Abas. The class chosen is quite unique, there are a few students who iliterate and numbers of them are used to be in remove class. This has given a good challenge to En. Asyraf to test his skills.
The goal of this Lesson Study is to help the students identify the adjectives and to make sentences from the adjective discussed.

En. Asyraf in the practice. Introducing the topic to be delivered.

English teachers, Cik Mona Liana and Pn Roskina are observing, at the far right, Mr. Principal, En. Azemi bin Abu was also taking part in the observation.

Group work, it is a students centered lesson. At the right of the picture, Mr Principal and Cik Shafinar are discussing the lesson practice.

En Zulkifli comenting in the observation report. Seen in the picture, the Head of Language Department, Pn Rosnani and Vice Principal, En. Zahri bin Abas discussing while observing.

Observing the students' work, they need to complete the worksheet distributed. This is the gist of LS, to observe the ability of the students to acquire knowledge in classroom. This aspect couldn't be done without the help by several teachers who are observing the process.
Reflection meeting after the lesson pratice. The reflective team were quite dissappointed with the absence of Mr. Principal because he has important guest at the moment. The idea and comment by the team members has enlightened En. Asyraf of some of the basic instruction he did and he has also ammended the lesson plan accordingly.
The team members are:
1. En. Azemi bin Abu (Principal)
2. En. Zahri bin Abas (Vice Principal)
3. Pn Rosnani bin Khalid (Head of Language Department)
4. Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa (Head of English Language Panel cum LS supervisor)
5. Mohd Asyraf bin Rosaruddin (LS presenter)
6. Zaidi bin Zakaria (MUET teacher)
7. Shafinar binti Salleh (MUET teacher)
8. Zulkifli bin Yahya (Form 3 teacher)
9. Mona Liana bt Markon (Form 5 teacher)
10. Roskina bt Khalid (Form 2 teacher)
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