Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Planning Reading Lesson for phase2 MBMMBI

Topic/ Theme: Heroes Near and Far

Learning Outcomes:-

2.3 . Present information to different audiences by:
h. reading aloud written materials such as reports, articles clearly and fluently.

d. presenting information in non-linear forms including tables, graphs, diagrams, charts and vice-versa

e. Writing recounts, descriptions, explanations, speeches, reports and articles.

vi. writing brief, simple descriptions.

Class: Form 3 - intermediate

Resources: text book and hand-outs.


1. Interpreting information

2. Writing a short script

3. Dictionary skills


1. Pre-reading (5 minutes)

- Teacher introduces words for students to find the meanings in the dictionary and discuss.

2. While-reading (35 minutes)

-Teacher shows a picture of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and elicit some information from it.

-Teacher selects few students to read a text on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

(Form 3 text book pg 18)

- Teacher assigns students into two groups of (A and B with 5 members in a group).

Group A will be given handout 1 (GO4: Making connections) and Group B will be given handout

Learner output

2 (GO1: Words in context)

- Each group is allocated 15 minutes to complete the given graphic organizer (GO)

(students have prior knowledge of using the GO1)

Learner output

3. Post- reading (20 minutes)

- Teacher selects a representative from each group to present / talk about their GO to the class.

- Teacher asks the students to write a brief description about their own choice of hero (eg: Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, the father, the singer, etc.)

Feel free to copy this lesson plan. (please link your resources to this blog as a token of appreciation)

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