Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lesson Study with 1 Rafflesia 2024

On 16th Ogos 2024, Cikgu Nik Izzati binti Rasani has carried out micro teaching for Lesson Study at 2nd floor of the school library with form 1 Rafflesia. For this LS, she was joined by 5 other teachers as the observers. They are Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa (Chief of the team); Jegiathisan Subramaniam (Knowledgeable other); Mohd Naim bin Ahmad; Nurhabibi binti Shukri; Mohd Mustafizur Rahman bin Mokhtar.

The Lesson was carried out based on this lesson plan (click)

Meeting to wrap up the observation findings and discussion right after the lesson.

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