Sunday, May 26, 2024

Lesson Study with 1 KRK - introducing idiomatic expressions

 On 21st of May 2024, we were being able to do LS practice in 1 KRK classroom. The practitioner is Mr Lim Yee Fong. 

A bit refreshment about Lesson Study.

Lesson study (or jugyō kenkyū) is a teaching improvement process that has origins in Japanese elementary education, where it is a widespread professional development practice. Working in a small group, teachers collaborate with one another, meeting to discuss learning goals, planning an actual classroom lesson (called a "research lesson"), observing how their ideas work in a live lesson with students, and then reporting on the results so that other teachers can benefit from it.

The Lesson Study carried out in classroom with Mr Lim Yee Fong as the teacher had been observed by Mr Mustafizur Rahman, Miss Nurhabibi and Mr Mohd Asri.

The teachers had an observation of a live lesson conducted with students 

At the end of the process, the team were able to have  a discussion following the lesson, analyzing its impact on students and implications for future instruction.

Miss Nurhabibi and Mr Mustafizur Rahman are observing the 
lesson and recording the process into the LS form

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