Saturday, November 9, 2013

English beautiful words on signboard

After PMR examination, the candidates have to undergo a few activities organized by the counseling unit. One of the activities, colorful English signboard was being taken cared by English Language Panel. The students were to write ponder words on wooden signboard which had been painted into blue, orange, green and light blue. The activity was first rejected by the pretty number of students as they thought it was some kind of another burdensome works. But then when a few students had tried it and they sign their name on the board as to mark their contribution to the school, several more students alighted to ask for blank signboard.

They were so happy to decorate and to write the words using UNI-Paint marker pen which could paint with beautiful colour.. The words or phrases chosen were - the Phrasal Verbs and its meaning, the words of ponder, the Hadith of the Prophet SAW and the wise sayings. 

The planning stage- the students in groups to design and to decide what to write.

Writing and decorating are fun...

Here are they... erected nicely by the fish pond

Teacher Shafinar couldn't miss to appreciate one of the signboards.

They are everywhere in the school and it bears the person who has contributed

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