Wednesday, January 8, 2025

English is Fun - For Form 1, 2 & 4 pupils

It was  8th January 2025, ELS and English Panel of SMK Raja Puan Muda Tg Fauziah have organized a 3-hours fun activities for the pupils from form 1,2 and 4 at Futsal court at the school field. The master mind for the program are Miss Nurhabibi binti Shukri and Mr Jegiathisan Subramaniam, what a great job, they have carried out. And thank you too to Mr Mustafizur Rahman bin Mokhtar for helping to assist and guide the running of the activities.

Here are the check points- The participants in groups have tocomplete all the tasks at the check points in order to collect questions. The members of the group will discuss the answer and to fill in the answer into a worksheet (in Cross word puzzle form).

Every Checkpoint is guarded by form 4 students as facilitators.

Checkpoint 1 - 10

At the end of the game, we have 5 team winners, here they are:-

Whilst the other pupils who don't take part in the game, they are to draw the expression of the idiom - "Butterfly in the stomach". Here are the winners of the contest.

The game was on the move..

Present giveaway ceremony

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Retirement of Hj Haron bin Mat Isa (Language Department of SMKRPMTF)

 Majlis Persaraan Cg Haron

Tarikh : 28 November 2024

Hari : Khamis

Masa :10.30 pagi

Tema baju :Bangsawan & Batik


Aturcara majlis

🎈9.30-10.15 pagi

Semua murid rehat serentak

🎈10.15 Pelajar berkumpul di dewan

🎈10.30 pagi

- Ketibaan Cg Haron

- Sesi bergambar kenang-kenangan di tempat parkir kereta tuan pengetua (semua guru & staf)

- Guru & staf mengambil tempat di DTTF

- Perarakan Cg Haron di  DTTF

- Bacaan doa

- Ucapan wakil pelajar

- Ucapan YDP PIBG

- Ucapan Tuan Pengetua

- Tayangan video

- Ucapan Cgu Haron

- Majlis kenduri

- Persembahan pelajar & guru

- Pemberian tanda kasih

- Sesi bergambar di DTTF

- Sesi bersalaman bersama pelajar

- Perasmian Laman Bahasa oleh Haron

- Punch kad terakhir

- Sent off 

🎈1.00 Pelajar di jangka pulang.

Friday, November 1, 2024

HIP 3.0 English Telematch 2024 in conjucntion with Hari 4K

 It was on 16th October 2024. The HIP 3.0 this time provided 7 stations and we invited 5 feeder schools. 

The facilitators are from 1 Rafflesia, 4 Nebula, 4 Al-Farabi, 4 Atrium etc. Thanks to all the facilitators for making the events successful. 

Thanks to all English teachers for giving the full support in campaigning the kids to take part in the activities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Haiku on National Day by 4 Nebula

 4 Nebula students were taught on Haiku and everyone had to write a Haiku based on the topic of National Day Celebration. Here are their works...

Haiku Merdeka Day collections 2024

1.    People wait the day

Celebrate National Day

All people happy


By Addam Harith (4 Nebula)

2.      What day is today

People marching on the street

It’s National day!

                                                                                    By Danish Naif (4 Nebula)

3.       What day is today

National Day in August

All people happy

By Nabil (4 Nebula)

4.  People are marching

Independence National

Everyone happy

By Ilyana (4 Nebula)

5.      Marching on the street

Very good National day

All happy that day

By Amirul (4 Nebula)

6.      People wait the day

People celebrating it

Independence Day

By Asyraf (4 Nebula)

7.      People wait the day

Enjoy the national day

It’s National day

By Adam Haris (4 Nebula)

8.      I meet my friends in

National day I have been

See many people

By Siti Nur Marissa (4 Nebula)

9.      All people happy

See procession in stadium

My best friend happy

By Hidayah (4 Nebula)

10.   They so excited

Everyone celebrates it

They put on costumes

By Rahanim Syazwani (4 Nebula)

11.  People wait that day

Celebrate with family

We watch fireworks

By Auni Maisarah (4 Nebula)

12   Independence Day

Many people celebrate

Everyone enjoys

By Suhanis Fasha (4 Nebula)

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lesson Study with 1 Rafflesia 2024

On 16th Ogos 2024, Cikgu Nik Izzati binti Rasani has carried out micro teaching for Lesson Study at 2nd floor of the school library with form 1 Rafflesia. For this LS, she was joined by 5 other teachers as the observers. They are Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa (Chief of the team); Jegiathisan Subramaniam (Knowledgeable other); Mohd Naim bin Ahmad; Nurhabibi binti Shukri; Mohd Mustafizur Rahman bin Mokhtar.

The Lesson was carried out based on this lesson plan (click)

Meeting to wrap up the observation findings and discussion right after the lesson.

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