On 21st September 2023, Mr Elmi and Mr Badril of Sisc+ came to do a study on the impact of Cefr among the students and teachers.
![]() |
Here is the comparison of CEFR align statistic;-
2021 |
2022 |
C2 |
0 |
0 |
C1 |
0 |
0 |
B2 |
13 |
4 |
B1 |
39 |
31 |
A2 |
57 |
34 |
A1 |
11 |
32 |
TH |
0 |
6 |
120 |
107 |
Amanie 4 Alfarabi has represented SMK Raja Puan Muda Tengku Fauziah in the Perlis State English Language Carnival at SK Kuala Perlis. She was accompanied by Nuraina Khadijah binti Razali from form 4. Amanie has shown her good skills in spelling and manage to get 6th place for the whole contestants from other 40 plus schools in Perlis.
Here are some materials that we can put on the wall of EL classroom. They are Classroom languages and Prepositions placards.
Here is the proposal paper for perusal KERTAS CADANGAN AKTIVITI KOKURIKULUM (PATRIOTISME) - Google Docs
How do we carry out the program? here is the uniqueness of organizing this HIP Outreach program..
The teachers trained the pupils to carry out all the program on pre-date. They were trained, simulated and retrained until they have confident to handle the program by themselves. The pupils were mainly from form 1 Rafflesia who were to handle Language Contest Stations. We have arranged the English Language activities into 4 stations. They are 1. Treasure Hunt, 2. Crossword Puzzle, 3. Spelling Bee and lastly 4. Short Essay Writing.
The theme of this time HIP outreach program is Patriotism. The participants were also coming from the School's feeder schools and the kindergarten kids. The Primary schools involved were:-
1. SJKC Kong Hwa, Kaki Bukit,
2. SK Lubuk Sireh,
3. Sk Titi Tinggi,
4. SK Felda Mata Ayer
5. Sk Guar Jentik.
The students facilitators were to handle everything, including to select the winners of every contest set. The teachers were just monitoring from afar as to be the guides if they have missed anything. The teacher also monitor the time frame and as the reminder for the student facilitators to commit to the time frame.
Here are the stations that were set up.
Persatuan Sejarah
Lokasi: Kantin, Laman Lestari, Surau, Blok B
Guru Penasihat :
Puan Mariati Binti Mat Ali
Guru Pembantu: Encik Lim Yee Fong
Fasilitator (murid):
1. Pendaftaran : 1. Aina Syazwana (1R)
2. Ku Nur Shafina Amaria (1R)
3. Set up clue :
Nasril Azam (1R)
Naufal Akram (1R)
4. Juri :
Nur Amalia (1R)
Fatin Farisya (1R)
Kelab Rukun Negara & Kelab MalaysiaKu
Guru Penasihat:
Puan Faten Belina bt Noor Shukri
Puan Azizah bt Zakaria
Puan Fazidah bt Abu Aman
Puan Fatin Farhana bt Rosley
Guru Pembantu Crossword Puzzle:
Encik Mohd Mustafizur Rahman Bin Mokhtar
Fasilitator (murid):
1.Pendaftaran & Juri :
Zamia Nasuha (1R)
Afwin Darlyesa (1R)
Phantawadee (1R)
Yeow Xin Ling (1R)
Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris
Lokasi: Dewan Terbuka Tuanku Fauziah
Guru Penasihat ELS:
Cik Nurhabibi binti Shukri
Encik Jegiathisan Subramaniam
Fasilitator (murid):
1. Pendaftaran & Dictionary:-
Lee Kai Min (1R)
Wan Han Sin (1R)
2. Juruacara:
Mohd Haiqal (1R)
Ainul Qistina (1R)
3. Pencatat:
Nureen Husna (1R)
Persatuan Bahasa Inggeris
Lokasi: Bilik SAL
Guru Penasihat Aktiviti:
Encik Mohd Asri Bin Mat Isa
Fasilitator (murid):
1. Pendaftaran:
Luqfan Hafiy (1R)
2. Juri:
Seng Lee Min (1R)
Nor Shahira (1R)
Syazwana (1R)
4. Possible topics:
I love Malaysia
The best thing about Malaysia
My favourite foods, songs, places about Malaysia
Interesting thing about Malaysia
How can I be a good Malaysian?
7.40-8.00 pagi : Pendaftaran sek rendah dan tadika
8.00 pagi : Fun Activities ( DTTF)
9.00 pagi : Ketibaan Kayuhan Patriotisme
📌Pengumuman Ketibaan
📌Sambutan Tarian Canggung
9.30 pagi : Lawatan ke Fun
Activities di DTTF
9.45 pagi : Kayuhan dijangka
bergerak keluar dari
sekolah melalui pintu B
📌Demo Frisbee di Dataran Budi
📌 Aktiviti di DTTF diteruskan
10.40 pagi : Rehat
11.20 pagi : Peserta berkumpul di
11.30 pagi : Perasmian Penutupan
oleh Tn Pengetua
12.00 t/hari : Majlis berakhir
12.30 t/hari : Murid T1,T2 dan T3
dibenarkan pulang.
please click here..
Starting from 11 September 2023, as for English Language teachers have carried out an extra class in the early morning, named as Fajar Extra Class Program. The school has planned to optimize the pupils' time to learn something. As for English class, we had drill the pupils with Examination format questions,
Hope that these pupils will be able to answer SPM examination with flying colours. The class has be tabled every twice a week for English lesson. Thanks to teacher Lim Yee Fong, Mr Jegiathisan, Miss Nurhabibi, Mr Mohd Naim, Mr Mustafizur and Mr Mohd Asri.