Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lesson Study at SMK RPM Tg Fauziah -July 2011

Reflection meeting with knowledgeable other (Pn Rahimah bt Ibrahim) and the observation team.
The team are:-
1. Mona Liana bt Markon (micro teacher)
2. Shafinar bt Salleh
3. Zaidi b Zakaria
4. Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa (being the chairman of the meeting)

5. Mohd Naim b Ahmad

6. Asyraf bin Rosaruddin
5. Pn Rosnani bt Khalid ( Head of Department)

The practice of Lesson Study for the first cycle, done on 7th July 2011

Meeting on constructing and editing the lesson plan to be practiced for the first cycle that will be done by Ms Mona Liana bt Markon- 4th July 2011 (a belated meeting from 28th June)

The Team of the meeting are:-
1. Mona Liana bt Markon
2. Shafinar bt Salleh
3. Zaidi b Zakaria
4. Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa
5. Pn Rosnani bt Khalid ( Head of Department)

In-house, introduction to Lesson Study to all teachers- held on 25th June 2011 at Bilik Wawasan - Presented by Mohd Asri bin Mat Isa (LS school supervisor)

Here is the LESSON PLAN

Subject : English Language
Class : 5MPV Level: * 1 Enrolment: 34/34
Date : 7.7.2011 Time: 1.05pm-1.45pm
Theme : Environment
Topic : Earth’s Fragile Future

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
i) Fill in the blanks correctly after listening to the song
ii) Construct simple sentences
iii)Convey message

Learning Objectives: Students should be able to:
(i) Processing text listened to by :
-listening to and recalling important details
-taking notes of the song heard
-identifying main ideas in the song heard

Pedagogical Emphases: Interpersonal, Intrapersonal
Previous Knowledge: Students have been taught about nouns
Moral Values: love, caring
Teaching Materials: hand-out, audio – song
(to be uploaded soon)

click on the table to enlarge

Friday, July 1, 2011

The culture of sharing knowledge

Recently a kind of thought has strongly ignited my mind. It struck even harder tonight after I watched quite an old movie about the life story of Professor John Nash in 'beautiful mind'. It is 'sharing'. Why sharing? Yes sharing could challenge or tempt the selfishness or individualistic (considered as bad attitude) inside our heart.

If we observe the world around us, a lot of sucessful people are willing to share. It is a kind of good behaviour that the Prophet Muhammad SAW urged the muslim to practice though. Allah SWT will increase more knowledge to those who teach knowledge to other people. This has been in practice by lots of people in developed nation nowadays and they benefit from this culture.

From my experience- when I went for Lesson Study course in June 2011, I was told how the westeners share their findings and what they have got back in return. This culture could increase our knowledge. If we study on how the process of learning, then we could find that almost 95% percent of knowledge could be acquired when the student teaches back what they have learnt.

I hope that the students of SMK Raja Puan Muda Tg Fauziah could take this as their culture and don't be afraid of being competed in their study after that, and I strongly believe that you will be getting better idea and better knowledge if you are willing to share what you know or what you have learnt.
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